21 November, 2009

SUPLEMEN, Kebutuhan Atau Sugesti???

Indeed sometimes we forget the same person or forget about something. But if there is no cure penagkalnya? In shopping centers are available now so many offers of different brands of organic food and vitamin supplements for various purposes. These include 'antilupa' and 'ugly antinilai exams, etc..

Generally, an additional supplement of organic food products that mention their products will fill the shortage of nutrients in the body due to fatigue, illness or dietary imbalances. Then supplement organic product that claims to use only natural ingredients so no side effects. In some centers perpelanjaan seen some specialty stores that offer food supplement. Most products come from overseas. The higher the vitamin content of a food supplement, more and more buyers.

So really depends what you think.


Langkah Tepat Cegah keputihan Wanita

Whitish, of course this term is familiar among women. Almost all women in Indonesia have experienced Leucorrhea whether by the response of normal bodily function or due to - due to other non-response of the body. In medicine, known as leukorrhe whitish or flour albus. Whitish Women may indicate there is an abnormality in the tract and reproductive organs for example infection, reproductive organ abnormalities or even cancer of the cervix. Therefore, it is important for a woman to know whether he experienced Leucorrhea Vagina is normal or not.

Some steps that can be done if the vagina is apparently suffering from leucorrhoea sebgai follows:

1. Consult a gynecologist, the doctor will give medicine according to the complaint and the cause. Women Leucorrhea generally caused by infection with drug-drug given Leucorrhea to resolve complaints and stop the infection process in accordance with its cause. Drugs used in overcoming Vagina Leucorrhea usually derived from fluconazole group to overcome candida infection and metronidazole groups to address bacterial and parasitic infections. Drug stocks leucorrhoea may be an oral dosage form of tablets or capsules, topically as a topical cream and uvula are inserted directly into the vagina. To Vagina Leucorrhea transmitted through sexual intercourse, is also given to couples therapy and advised to avoid sexual intercourse for still in treatment.

2. For those who are married, do check with your partner.

3. If still not healed well, do the drug resistance test of the Vagina and replace with other drugs. There is a possibility that the bacteria was resistant to the drugs given Leucorrhea Women.

4. For those who are married, do the pap smear. Especially if it is aged> 35 years and followed with a whitish complaint that something is fishy in the mouth of the womb because the concern is that viruses can trigger cancer. Ideally, a pap smear done once a year.

5. If positive for the virus, could proceed with the examination of the cervix using a magnifying device that is placed on outer lips of the vagina. As a supporter, also do urine tests and blood tests.

6. The most important thing is to keep your vaginal area clean and try to adapt a healthy lifestyle so good endurance to support the perfect treatment.

Precise knowledge of whiteness will help in distinguishing between normal whitish with a pathological whiteness. So that prevention and control can be done early on and prevent you from infertility and cervical cancer is more advanced. Thus, always keep your own health, including in your personal area.


See other info on the medicine for leucorrhoea - Drug Vagina - Leucorrhea Women - Leucorrhea Vagina - Women Leucorrhea Drug - Drug Leucorrhea Vagina - Leucorrhea Drugs - Women Leucorrhea - Vagina Leucorrhea - Leucorrhea in 88db.com

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As already discussed in the way of healthy eating, the food we eat should be balanced with the activity / physical activity, if the activity we just sit around at the office or rarely heavy activity when the food we eat lots of calories, the result is excess energy This will be stored as fat reserves and, if increasingly accumulate fat reserves will cause the body to become obese (overweight), and then will become obese.

The best way to prevent obesity is to calculate the food we eat to the activities, trivial if we eat a lot, we have a lot of activity / active, if not a lot of our activities means we need to exercise to balance it.

How does a healthy sport?, Here are some tips for a healthy sport:

* Heating is very important. The muscles we have prepared in advance. Do it for 5-10 minutes with slow activity. There are heating devices that can be used without others are using sports equipment and fitness equipment.

* The frequency is determined, how often you exercise and fitness in just a week, the best 3-5 times and this should be done regularly.

* The intensity of sports or fitness (the amount of effort). Exercising should be up to sweat and breathe deeply. Do not let the discomfort arises, keep the heart rate rises to 60-90% of normal.

* Time is also crucial. Research shows when we do exercise for 30 minutes will be the same result with the sport during the 10 minutes are done three times with the same intensity. And there are sports that can be done by using sports equipment, fitness equipment, and tools that can help maximize the sport itself.

* Refrigeration not neglected. When we finished the weight and stop exercising suddenly, we may experience muscle stiffness, feeling weak, dizzy even unconscious. Perform cooling by walking or stretching slowly for 50-10 minutes.


01 November, 2009

Contoh skripsi olahraga


By: Arie Asnaldi, S. Pd

Physical exercise will cause physiological changes in the human body, both are temporary / when-while (response) or that are settled (adaption). Physical exercise with high intensity (between sub-maximal to maximum) will cause an anaerobic muscle contraction. Anaerobic muscle contraction needs energy supply (ATP) through the process of anaerobic glycolysis or lactic acid system (lactid acid system). Mengasiljkan poduk Glikolissi anaerobuik will end in the form of lactic acid. Thus, sub-maximal exercise intensity up to a maximum intensity will cause lactic acid accumulation in muscle and blood (Fox, 1993).

Exercises are done in a long time requires quite a lot of energy supply. Energy needs can be met through the main energy source, namely carbohydrates and fats (Marsetyo, 1991). However, Carbohydrate is the main energy source yanmg can be used for sports activities intensively and effectively. Carbohydrates are able to provide the most energy per unit of time (Jansen, 1989)

Of the particulars described above can be taken a few explanations about the relationship of supply of carbohydrate before exercise, blood lactic acid levels and maximal capacity keraj (KKM) as follows:

a. Supali karbohiodrat before exercise to increase maximal work

b. Anaerobic exercise with maximal performance causes increased levels of lactic acid maximally (KKM)

c. Anaerobic exercise performance optimally applied in an exercise program will increase the resistance to accumulation of lactic acid.

d. Thus, carbohydrate food supply that is applied in an anaerobic exercise program can lower blood lactic acid levels and increase maximal work capacity (KKM)

The general aim of this study was to determine the effect of 2.5% glucose solution and 10% in anaerobic physical exercise program on serum lactic acid and maximal work capacity. Its specific objectives are:

1. To determine the effect of 2.5% glucose solution before exercise with anaerobic exercise program to decrease blood lactic acid levels.

2. To determine the effect of 10% glucose solution before exercise with anaerobic exercise program to decrease blood lactic acid levels

3. To determine the effect of 10% glucose solution before exercise with anaerobic exercise program to lower blood lactic acid levels compared with 2.5% solution of glucose

4. To determine the effect of 2.5% glucose solution before exercise with anaerobic exercise program to increase maximal work capacity

5. To determine the effect of 10% glucose solution before exercise with anaerobic exercise program to increase the working capacity masimal

6. To determine the effect of 10% glucose solution before exercise with anaerobic exercise programs more boost than the maximum working capacity of 2.5% glucose solution


Carbohydrate is the main energy source for mankind and called the substance of energy. Ordinary Karbohiodrat consumed on the network there are many plants, especially on food that many contain starch (polysaccharides) such as: bread, rice, potatoes, grain and tuber-umbian.karbohidrat also available as food ingredients commonly found in disaccharide forms, such as milk, sugar, lactose, regular sugar, and sucrose (McGilvery, 1996). carbohydrates in food ingredients commonly found in the form of polysaccharides (starch) and a small portion in the form of glycogen, saccharide, sucrose and incoming laktosa.karbohidrat into the body will be a monosaccharide, namely: glucose, fructose or galactose.

The end result of digestion of carbohydrates in the process of monosaccharides, ie glucose, fructose and galaktosa.karbohidart in the form of monosaccharides are absorbed by the blood ready for circulation throughout the body or stored in the liver as glycogen. Food that is not absorbed by the cells forwarded keusus large intestine to be excreted.


Glucose is the main energy source for cells. Glucose is the sugar astunya contained in the blood and is the ideal fuel for most networks (Guyton & Hall, 1996). Kent (1994) defines that glucose is a monosaccharide derived from carbohydrates and is needed by the body. Carbohydrate is someone that the main fuel for pruduksi tree metabolite adenosine phosphate (ATP). Mengasilkan Karbohidrta used for ATP there are two kinds, namely: blood glucose and muscle glycogen (Fox, 1993)

Glucose within the intestinal mucosa will diffuse into the cell room and headed into the blood capillaries. Secra normal glucose phosphorylated to form glucose-6-monokalsium at the time of entry into the cell, and subsequently polymerised menjdi glycogen. Glycogen is the stored form of glucose that contained almost all cells throughout the body tissues. However, there are the largest deposits of glycogen that the liver cells and skeletal muscle cells (Guyton & Hall, 1996; Ganong, 1995).

Plasma glucagon increased linearly dive light exercise at some non-human species, while the increase in glucagon in humans occurred about I hour extended diving exercise (exercise long enough and persistently). Increased glucagon mainly regulated by plasma glucose levels. Decrease in plasma glucose Meru [feed potential stimulator of glucagon release. despite the release of insulin resistance adrenergic, but plays only a small adrenergic mechanisms to respond to glucagon. Glucagon memilki glukogenolisis an important role for regulation of hepatic (splitting of glycogen to glucose in liver cells). Baisanya gluconeogenesis occurs in the final phase of the exercise, where blood glucose was decreased berkemungkinan (Hoffman, 1996).



PHASE-PHASE motor skills


Motor learning phase is a phase of motor skill acquisition manggambarkan state of a person in the conduct of sports movements.

Person's ability to be able to master the motor skills of different sports, which is caused by, among others:

* Differences ability and coordination owned condition
* The age difference
* Differences movement experiences
* Gender differences
* Differences cognitive
* Frequency of exercise, etc.

Distribution of the phases of motor learning is not based on age level, but on the level of a person's ability in mastering the skills of motor sport in executing movements.

General characteristics of the motor skills to learn first-degree phase

General characteristics of the motor phase of learning the first level is the mastery of motor skills in rough shape, someone who is at this phase is only able to perform movements that are required when circumstances and conditions of support.

Special features or a lot of views.

· Basic structure of these movements are shown in rough form.

· Rhythm of movement:

Errors caused by the rhythmic movement:

1. Individuals who learn do not have the experience and savings

2. Mengimpulskan have not been able to organize and staff according to the needs of working muscles yng.

· Relations movement

Relations movement of the parts grerakan than one limb to another limb still not well coordinated.

· Area movement

Due to its coordination capabilities that Karana is still not yet formed, thus the principle of efficiency and efektefitas both in terms of manpower, time and unused space can not be realized.

· Smoothness of movement / flow of movement

The flow of movement that appear are not maintained, that is still choked-sendat.kurangnya velocity and acceleration was due to the influence of impulse / power provided.

· Speed movement

Do not have a good speed of movement is still slow and stiff.

· Accuracy and constancy movement

Constancy, which movement is owned by individuals who are at the first level of this phase may be said there is no karenakemampuan owned unstable or can not be measured.

· Shadow motion

The image of a successful movement built by individuals who are at the first level phase is still incomplete

· Movements Program

It means a new movement program includes components that are general or movement of the essentials sajadan not detailed.

The characteristics of the receiving and processing capability to learn first-degree phase information.

The characteristics of the learning phase of the first level can be seen in the aspect of receiving and processing information.

In the execution of motor actions or movements there are five senses sports information recipients are: visual (sight), acoustic (reasoning), tactile (skin), kinestik (muscle), and vetibular (balance tool).

The five senses do not only play a role in receiving information but also play a role in acceptance of feedback, which is about the movement that is being lasted.

Based on this feedback can be controlled and regulations movements that are underway such as: the arrangement of power impulses, penmgaturan, and control arahgerakan.

Implications of the phase characteristics of the first level of motor learning in the learning process

physical education teacher's role is to determine the most keberkasilan learners in performing movements that are taught.


General characteristics of motor learning phase of this second level is the increasing mastery of fine coordination skills, such as the quality movement that carried out has increased.

The development of the learning process in this phase datandai by some progress and colored by some diproleh permasalahan.kemajuan-progress can be seen from the increasing quality of movement.

Special features of the second level of motor learning phase

The basic structure movement

The rhythm of movement

Relations movement

Area movement

The smoothness of movement

The speed of movement

Movement accuracy and constancy

Shadows and movement program

The characteristics of the ability of the receiving and processing information to learn the level of the second phase

In motor learning there are five senses receiver information including:

1. Eyes (Visueller Analyzer)
2. Leather (Taktiler Analyzer)
3. Muscles (Kinesthetischer Analyzer)
4. Ear (Akusticher Analyzer)
5. Balancing appliance that is located on the inner ear (Statico dynamisator)

The five senses of the recipient information was grouped into two groups:

1. A receiver of information from outside

Ie information coming from outside or from sipelaku environmental movement itself. Among them: eyes, ears and skin.

2. A receiver of information from the inside

That information comes from within the movement itself sipelaku of the course of both the ongoing movement. Among them: the muscles and staticodynamisator.

Phase characteristics of motor learning and its implications into the second level of the learning process

Learning phase, the second level requires a high learning activities, to be able to implement necessary preparations for the high of the intended participants didik.kesiapan antaralain:

* Readiness in conducting the exercise repetitions
* Readiness to accept the physical workload
* Readiness to fully concentrate
* As well as readiness to participate actively in the process of thinking

. So the major task of the physical education teacher in this case is to analyze the error-kasalahan movement that occurs in every phase gerakan.sehingga learners will always do the monitoring and readjustment deviations that occur during the movement lasted.

General characteristics of the three levels of motor learning phase

General characteristics of third-level learning phase can be described as follows:

Ability achievement someone who is at the third level learning phase is more stable, and stability of these achievements can be done with constant, although under the circumstances and conditions under which compounded palaksanaan movement.

The increase that occurred in various aspects antaralain:

· Improvements in anticipation of a situation and conditions

· Repair role kinentetik analyzer, so it can control and regulate impulses Pasa power muscles that work in accordance with the requirements

· Repair nindra role and function of receiver information

· Improvements in pengolahaninformasi received.

The next common feature of the phase stability of the third level of learning achievement or performance, individuals who are in this phase is able to do the same movements over and over again, while the quality of movement that appear on every time fairly constant repetition.

Special features of the third level of motor learning phase

Formation of automation capabilities

Shadows and shadow construction movement

The rhythm of movement

In the learning phase of this third level of the conduct of the movement looks more smooth and seamless, so that the movements performed quite efficient and effective both in terms of space usage, as well as time and energy.

The speed of movement

Special privileges that exist at the third level fese learning is the ability to manipulate other forms of deceptive gerakan.kemampuan to conduct proper motion can only be done by individuals who have the ability to anticipate situations and conditions that accurate.

The characteristics of the ability of the receiving and processing the information the third level of learning phase

Special characteristics of the receiving and processing capabilities of individual information that is in the learning phase of the third level is the increasing role and function of the analyzer information kinesthetic (muscle).

Other features of the ability of the receiving and processing information to learn the third phase is marked by the increasing role and function and sensitivity analyzer tools that others such as: eyes, skin, ears (staticodynamisator), then this phase individuals are able to receive feedback more numerous and detailed information about the course of a movement which was lasted well, and new completed.

Phase characteristics of the three levels of motor learning and its implications into the learning process

The third level is the learning phase, a phase to stabilize the fine coordination skills have been mastered.

Other forms of exercise that can be applied in the learning process for learners who are in this phase is an exercise in mental-traning form.

Mental exercises will assist students in improving:

· The ability to anticipate changes in circumstances that will occur and the effects of such changes

· The ability of the movement assessment

· The ability of carrying out the movement of economically, both in terms of time, energy, and

Non used

· Kemampuam assessment decisions

coordination of movement seen as a regulator of motor processes, especially to the working muscles is regulated through a system called the invitation persyarafan or intra muskulare koordination.

Motor coordination of work includes coordinating the muscles involved in an execution gerakan.pengkoordinasian are arranged in such a way by persyarafan system.

Which is set here are: adjustment of the components of power and speed needed by the muscles in the implementation of the motion in accordance view the needs of every part of the motion.

The basic structure movement

The word structure is defined simply as a certain arrangement of the structure can be interpreted as garak gerakan.atau structure can be translated as the basic structure of a movement or composition that always exist in the execution of a movement.

The rhythm of movement

Iram motion are characteristics that describe the accuracy of the implementation of parts of the motion with the dimensions of space and time is used or is needed at every movement.

To get the rhythm of the movement of good ability, basically should dalakukan exercises repeatedly against the forms of the same movement

Relations movement

Movement relationship is: suatui impulse energy transfer process of a other parts of the body or the transfer of impulses from one tool to the tool motion lain.sehingga motion occurs relations movement.

Indicators that can be observed from the movement of an imperfect relationship is:

* The occurrence of excess movement that resulted in unnecessary disruption of impulse transfer energy to the movement
* Excess movement caused olehimpuls given too much power than necessary.
* Area of movement

Size is movement: the extent of the unused space or trajectory in the implementation of a movement.

Indicators that can be observed to know the broad movement errors include:

* Use wide movement for the implementation of a motion is unstable
* Frequency of movements that are too low can be caused because the room is used for the execution of a movement is too broad, sehinggawaktu also required excessive than necessary
* Frequency of movements that are too high for example in running or swimming can be caused by an unused room is too narrow
* The rhythm of movement is not constant

The smoothness of movement

The cause of the error motion or movement is not smooth: the ability condition (strength, speed, and endurance) and coordination capabilities are still lacking, as well as incomplete, mengertian lack of information about the movements of individuals who have dalaksanakan.

The smoothness of movement or flow of movement is a characteristic that describes the continuity of the course of a movement.

To be able to see the smooth movement, indicators that can be observed are:

· Continuity way movement

· Velocity or acceleration of movement (too fast or too slow)

The speed of movement

In the conduct of a movement, speed is one of the main features of the coordination of movement perlumendapatkan attention, it is because the speed will determine the results to be achieved.

To be able to utilize an optimal speed of movement was greatly influenced by several aspects such as: the ability to anticipate the movements, fluency of movement and motion relationships.

Movement accuracy and constancy

The accuracy and constancy movement once crucial to the result to be achieved in the implementation of the movement.

Accuracy of movement in terms of the process are: the accuracy of the course of a series of nice views of the structure of the movement in the movement and views from the systematics of the movement.

While assessments of products are: a result obtained from aktivfitas or gerakn.

According MEINEL (1977, HAL 180) defines the accuracy or correctness movement as a union between movement planning with the results obtained. His understanding is that each execution of the movement is always preceded by a movement that is planned on the central nervous system.

SUMBER: http://artikel-olahraga.blogspot.com/2008_01_29_archive.html


Peranan pihak swasta dalam pembinaan olahraga

Since September 9, 1981, the Indonesian nation has set that date as National Sports Day (Haornas). Sports Day coincided with the commemoration of this seems necessary to evaluate the long journey of sporting activities in Indonesia and especially in the province of East Nusa Tengagra (NTT).

Current condition could be said "the road in place." This was reflected in the poor international performance achieved by the athletes of Indonesia. Level of achievement in sports, either the number of medals as well as the level of participation of Indonesia in international sporting events decreased. Indonesian nation stumble and underdevelopment in sport received any response and serious attention from the government.

In an effort to increase public participation in sport, in September of 1981 the government launched a program specifically Mengolahragakan Socializing Sports and Society. Along with this two years later, in 1983 the government established the Office of State Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports (Menpora Office) and at the regional level also formed the Office of Youth and Olagraga (diaspora) with basic tasks such as implementing and coordinating the development of sport.

Government efforts are very important. Sports activities, other than a means of improving achievement for both local, regional, national and international sports community is very useful as an activity to maintain physical fitness and health, will also instill healthy behavior patterns.

Step according to the concepts and definitions so that sports activities a person who deliberately take the time to malakukan one or more of physical activity, with the aim of improving physical fitness on a regular basis or improve performance or for entertainment.

Sports activities can be either practice or competition or for recreation (entertainment). Carry out activities such as walking into a place to work, pedaling a bicycle to the market and other activities that are not devoted to sports are not categorized as a sports implement.

There are at least three sports development challenges today and into the future. First, the high public demand for sports achievements in order to advance together with the achievements of other countries, other areas, group / others (competence and performance results). Second, make the sport as an instrument of development and third, the decentralization of sports development.

The third challenge, either individually or together should be observed and anticipated in earnest. The existence of a strong desire to carry out all three in one swing of the policy really needed hard work and high commitment. How this challenge for the needs of sports people of East Nusa Tenggara?

Private participation

Sport in its activities has been the attention of many parties, not just sports beings but also businessmen, media personnel, intellectuals, bankers, bureaucrats, military, local government, students, scholars and the general public.

This means that sport has entered the public domain and is no longer the monopoly of those who claim to sporting personnel only. Of course, the involvement of many stakeholders from various institutions, such diverse backgrounds is something very positive.

We take an example, a football tournament in Kupang City Club held jointly between SKH Pos Kupang with Dji Samsoe followed by 16 teams, showed a good team cooperation, harmonious and integrated, smoothly and successfully. Similarly, the implementation of a motorcycle race, sponsored by Yamaha, Zuzuki and clubs in cooperation with several government agencies have been successful. Private participation in sports coaching proved to produce something very useful and encouraging.

We realize that during this exercise depends largely government funds Province / District / City-East. And we also know that government funding for sport is limited because it is still required for other development needs more priority.

Taking lessons from sports events organized by the community component of the private sector, entrepreneurs, students, and now this new paradigm of development in the sport we need to increase the participation of the business / private sector and other stakeholders element. They should be given support to conduct the game or coaching sport branches in order to maintain and improve sports performance in Nusa Tenggara Timur.

What a beautiful building and there is a future certainty for the athlete / coach in the East if each board area (pengda) sports, branch managers (pengcab) sports and clubs and there is a separation of some business / institution, moved into the builder / sponsor either in terms of funds, personnel and other trainers. In other words, it would be nice if there would be "Mr. Host" in sports coaching in this area.

It is understandable that in reality there are times when sport grew as a consequence of economic development, social well-established but the very opposite may apply for the sport to the economic growth of the social.

Nevertheless we need to state that sports development is not only to achieve "pride" or "honor" only. But rather aimed at improving the quality of Indonesian human life, a strong foundation to carry out development in all fields.


The essence of decentralization is the empowerment of community sports development, change initiatives and creativity. Decentralization in Indonesia is at the local State District, supposing the ball is in the Government District. Then how the model of regional autonomy era of sports development in East Nusa Tenggara?

In konsepsial, has designed a tiered pattern of athletes ranging from early childhood children primary school level, fostered, were selected to participate in the competition until the national level. Similarly, children aged junior / senior high school participated the competition of the National Sports Week (Popnas), as well as Student Sports Week.

The result of early childhood development, Popnas, and coaching at sports clubs identified in order to develop and improve the performance of interest PPLP (Student Training and Education Center) on the branches of the options that match the potential of regional and local characteristics. There are branches of the priorities for fostered and all the facilities for athletes borne and financed by the government through the Office of Youth and Sports.

With the legalization of Sports Bill become Law of the National Sports System is expected to bring positive impact and enlightenment for the future of sport in Indonesia, particularly in the East.

One important strategy in the acceleration of sports achievements in the East is back dihidupkannya Regional Sports Week as a means to capture athletes from each region through competition. Starting August 9 to September 14, 2005 held Pordafta (Mainland Sports Week Flores and Lembata) subsequent mid-October will be held Mainland East Sports Week (Pordat) in Kupang involving athletes from the city of Kupang, Kupang, TTS, TTU Belu) and subsequently held in West Sumba Waikabubak Pordasar (Mainland Sports Week Sumba, Rote Ndao and Alor). In the year 2006/2007 will be held POR East to recruit top athletes in preparation for facing East contingent PON XVII Year 2008 in Samarinda, East Kalimantan. All this of course requires the support of many parties, including among the business community / private sector.


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