10 February, 2010


Who would not know the benefits of exercise? Although perhaps not specifically but we all know that exercise good for health. Usually when we talk about the sport we only pay attention to sports for school children, teens, adults to seniors. But there was also lho exercise for children aged 1-5 years (preschool).

Dr. Ade Tobing, SpKO from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia warned parents need to realize that children have characteristics that differ from adults, the process of growth and development as seen from the increase in height and weight.

Preschoolers need to move that can be obtained when they play, "children moving while playing, that's sport for them." Clearly.

However, Mother needs to set the duration of play for the little guy. Ie a good old play for 60 minutes a day dikumulatifkan. That means the Mother could menyicil played 10 minutes in the morning, then 15 minutes during the day and the next until it reaches the target 60 minutes. It's certainly not difficult, considering the kids love playing.

Furthermore dr. Ade describes the benefits of exercise for these preschoolers have the ability to double, because in addition to improving physical health today, both could be the basis of his health in the future. With active physical exercise, the child has started earlier a healthy lifestyle which will protect it from sedentary diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis and others.

Based on motor and cognitive readiness (Sherman), physical exercises for children aged 2-5 years is to perform simple motor skills, such as jumping, throwing, catching, running. But remember, kids fun was more important, do not force children to follow the movements of thought strange.

Now the task is to sort out the Mother of a suitable type of play for little, so that other children are also exercising their fun. Good luck!


* Provide a balanced nutrition so that children stay active.
* Play the ball, put the ball into the basket, ran a short distance could be an option.



Aka Moving physical exercise? It's almost every child's favorite activities. But apparently, it's not enough you know. Movement is performed little and often have to continue to be trained, or even if necessary, repaired. By then, his movements will be absolutely perfect future.

Well, one way to train your child's movement is to take her exercise. Why not? Sports do not just make it healthy and fit, but can also develop fine motor skills. Thus, the body of the child 'guaranteed' must be more fit, so it can survive when faced with various challenges (physical and psychological).
The problem is, you can not arbitrarily choose sports for children. So, many-many are 'shopping' info about the world of sports.

Under 6 years
If children do not want to exercise, do not force him. Children develop certain skills at different ages. Therefore, do not compare your child with other children. Throughout the growth of normal (and on target!), Let him master the skills based on its own merits.
Some children are reluctant to exercise because of fear of failure or easily frustrated. Again, recognize the signals sent by the children and never tired of giving encouragement.

Here are some types of sports that fit the child's age:

Age 2-3 years. Sports that are not yet structured, such as running, swinging, climbing, and playing water. At the age of two years, the child was able to jump with one or both legs, and ran. At the age of three years, he can change direction (from right to left, from front to back) with ease.

Note: Generally, children are not ready to join a structured exercise or engage in activities that are full of competition. When children are reluctant to join in a particular sport (for whatever reason), do not be forced to yes. Try to find out the cause. If necessary, postpone it and try again a few months or years later.

All you can do: Always accompany children. Never forget to apply sunscreen when children outside the home (this applies to you later).

Age 4-5 years. Usually, children can roll the big ball, catch the ball, well versed with the tricycle. He also started to like swimming or do physical exercises (but without programmed).

Note: Any choice sport, the little one should be happy. If the child is not happy, ask why and try to solve the problem or search for other sports is preferred. This is important if the child wants to do sports structured. Later kids depressed because they have to compete, it could form a negative attitude towards the world of sports or injure himself (as always trying to please others).

All you can do: Make sure the child's schedule is not excessive, can cause stress. Prepare the necessary security. For example, a safety elbows, knees, or helmets, when children cycling. Make it a habit, any type of exercise options later children.

Age 5-6 years. Many of the skills already mastered, including marching, balance exercises (walking on the catwalk beams), climbing, swinging, swinging, rolling, spinning, and others.

Note: The child can have a simple game with the ball. Although this involves the coordination and agility, let him play freely without strict rules alias.

All you can do: Remind the child that still sports the emphasis on having fun, playing with friends, as well as draining. There are no other frills.


05 February, 2010


Prof. dr. Hadiwaluyo M.Pd (Pendiri yayasan Baby smile Indonesia)

Motor motion is smooth movement involving smooth muscles in the hand and fingers are coordinated with the vision. In infants, the development of fine motor must always be monitored and stimulated. Parents should never be complacent in monitoring the baby's fine motor development. Here is a fine motor development in infants from month to month:

1. Age 1 Month: almost all the time your baby's first months fist.

2. 2 months of age: can menggemgam toys when placed by us in the palm of his hand.

3. Age 3 months: trying to get ahead, either on an object or trying to grab your face.

4. Age 4 months: mengoyangkan holding and sound toys, your baby can play with that toy. Start your baby likes to notice her little fingers.

5. Age 5 months: use both hands, both to achieve it or menggemgam toys.

6. Age 6 months: move toys from one hand to another. Little can also banging his toys to the table or a surface.

7. Ages 7 to 12 months:
* Using the hands and fingers to pick up small objects.
* Bangs two objects.
* Moving objects from one hand to another.
* Poking or gouging by using his index finger.
* Pointing to a direction with his forefinger.
* Dealing with their toy in a new way: push, play, poke, or tear.
* Dropping the object into a container and see it.
* Capture and re-enter the toy or object into the recesses.

By paying attention to motor development, infant development we will be expected to be maximal even before the age of development.
It seems that I can convey, hopefully posts about fine motor development is useful to you and your baby. Thank you for your time. greetings health.


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